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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Holly's Jolly Jingles

My wandering brain seems to have made its way back home, and things are getting back up to speed. Slowly.

If you hadn't already noticed, there were two Ellis Chambers posts last week on The Voice Of Odd featuring work from the 1950s. Really, we will get to looking at some other artists soon. Today, however, we're still with Holly.

Chambers only had credited work in one issue of Jolly Jingles - #15. That we know of. There is some speculation that he may have done 3 one-pagers for #10, but there's nothing definitive to convince me that it's necessarily his art. It could easily have come from the same individual who was doing stories in that issue. (Of course, the creators are un-credited and unknown, so it could still be him.) And there was seemingly a 16th issue but, as far as i can determine, nobody knows what was in it.

Here are his pages from #15, in order of their appearance - four features ranging from 1 to 6 pages, including one of those awkward Japanese Beetle invasions from World War II era comics. (The longest story in the bunch)

BTW - Trouble has yet to be listed in the database. His regular feature, as you can see above, is entitled It Shouldn't Happen To A Dog and i had mixed feelings about how to list him. Have to go back and do that...

Way to pad a story there on that last one. The Judge telling a story to the kids about the Wolf telling the story in court - 2 out of 4 pages already filled up just getting that far. I get the feeling that was one of those tomorrow-morning-deadline type stories.

page art by Ellis Holly Chambers for Jolly Jingles #15 (1944)

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