The base 28 posts forming the Funny Animalphabet database were all posted on the same day. This seems to have frelled the usual "Older Posts" & "Newer Posts" functions for that day, making it impossible to just scroll through without using the navigation menu or the blog archive links. To correct this, early blog post dates have been changed (original post dates are noted in the posts) and the database pages have had their dates changed to spread the postings over a 10 day period. The Blogger system should now allow proper function. (Should)

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

1940s Funny Animalphabet - O

Currently Indexed in O:

Oinkie, Ol' Cracker, Ol' Doc Rabbit, Ol' Rep, Ol' Tabby/Old Tabby, Ole Mole, Oliver Owl, Ollie And Ozzie Ostrich, Oscar Pig, Oscar The Ostrich, Ossie Ostrich, Ozzie Owl

Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - Bob Wickersham?
First Appearance - Coo Coo Comics #27 (1946)
Other Appearances -

Ol' Cracker
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) -  Ken Champin
First Appearance -  Barnyard Comics #10 (1947) U
Other Appearances -

Ol' Doc Rabbit
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) -  ?
First Appearance -  Real Funnies #2 (1943) U
Other Appearances -

Ol' Rep
Writer(s) -
Artist(s) - Harris Steinbrook
First Appearance - Barnyard Comics #19 (1948) U
Other Appearances -

Ol' Tabby/Old Tabby
Writer(s) - Gil Turner, ?
Artist(s) - Gil Turner, Dan Gordon
First Appearance - Ha Ha Comics #5 (1944) U
Other Appearances - Ha Ha Comics #s 21-23
Notes - First appeared as Ol' Tabby, titled Old Tabby in subsequent strips.



Ole Mole
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - Don Christensen
First Appearance - Barnyard Comics #10 (1947) U
Other Appearances -

Oliver Owl
Writer(s) -
Artist(s) -
First Appearance -
Other Appearances -

Ollie and Ozzie Ostrich
Writer(s) -
Artist(s) -
First Appearance -
Other Appearances -

Oscar Pig
Writer(s) - Stan Lee?,
Artist(s) - Ernie Hart?,
First Appearance - Terry-Toons Comics #1 (1942) U
Other Appearances - Terry-Toons Comics #s 2-6, 8-47, 49, 55, 56

Oscar The Ostrich
Writer(s) -
Artist(s) -
First Appearance - Funny Animals #1 (1942)
Other Appearances - Funny Animals #s 2-5, 8, 11, 13, 26, & 35 Billy The Kid #1, Hoppy The Marvel Bunny #s 3, 5, 6, & 14
Notes - First Solo appearance in Funny Animals #26. Originated as a supporting character in  Billy The Kid, graduated to co-star status, and eventually got a few solo strips. Solo appearances are marked by bold entries in the Other Appearances listing.

Ossie Ostrich
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) -  ?
First Appearance - Krazy Komics #2 (1942) U
Other Appearances -

Ozzie Owl
Writer(s) -
Artist(s) - Rube Grossman
First Appearance - Funny Stuff #44 (1949) U
Other Appearances - Funny Stuff #s 49 +, Funny Folks #s 20, 21, 23 +, Animal Antics #s 21, 23, +, Leading Comics #38

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