The base 28 posts forming the Funny Animalphabet database were all posted on the same day. This seems to have frelled the usual "Older Posts" & "Newer Posts" functions for that day, making it impossible to just scroll through without using the navigation menu or the blog archive links. To correct this, early blog post dates have been changed (original post dates are noted in the posts) and the database pages have had their dates changed to spread the postings over a 10 day period. The Blogger system should now allow proper function. (Should)

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Presto! More Howie!

Continuing from our previous post, here's the remaining Presto Pete, The Magic Bunny comics drawn (and signed) by Howie Post -

Animal Antics #15:

Animal Antics #16:

Animal Antics #17:

Animal Antics #18:

Animal Antics #20:

Sharp-eyed readers might note that we jumped from issue 18 to 20 up there. The reason for that is because there's a bit of a problem with the only copy of #19 to which i have access. It's a small thing, but not insignificant. You'll see when we get to the end...

Animal Antics #19:

So - there's the problem. The final panel suffers from a piece torn from the page. We see how it ends, but not the final comment/joke.
And so we have our first bit of discussion fodder/comment bait/creative corner/etcetera -

What should that last panel say?
And - yes, if you have the original issue, you can cheat. Just let us know so that we know what it actually should read.

And, because there are some other oddballs out there - some are going to be like me and want to know - what is that advertisement showing through the page?
Got ya covered -

page art by Howie Post for Animal Antics #s 15-20 (1948, 1949)

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