The base 28 posts forming the Funny Animalphabet database were all posted on the same day. This seems to have frelled the usual "Older Posts" & "Newer Posts" functions for that day, making it impossible to just scroll through without using the navigation menu or the blog archive links. To correct this, early blog post dates have been changed (original post dates are noted in the posts) and the database pages have had their dates changed to spread the postings over a 10 day period. The Blogger system should now allow proper function. (Should)

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Flash! Santa Bombed!

Xmas approaches, but it seems there's always a bit of trouble along the way...

It'll be here soon!
For those who celebrate חֲנוּכָּה - I hope you had a fine holiday and manage to enjoy a bit of Xmas cheer as a bonus.

creators unknown, from Funny Animals #2 (1943)

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Funny Not-Animals #1 - Diggy The Derrick

One of the odd things about the Funny Animal Comics boom of the '40s - sometimes the characters in the books weren't animals. In fact, sometimes they weren't even living creatures. Well, they were given life for the comics, but typically one doesn't think of Trains, Construction Equipment or Cars as living creatures - Pixar movies not withstanding.

Let's take a look today at Diggy The Derrick from Charles W. Winter aka Chuck Winter, but not to be confused with Charles A. Winter, also known as Chuck Winter and also drawing comics in the 40s. Charles W. tended towards humour comics, while Charles A. generally drew action and horror tales.
Charles W. Winter also brought us Waddles The Duck (Not to be confused with just plains Waddles).

Diggy's tales ran from 1-3 pages with almost two dozen appearances, mostly in Frisky Fables. He first appeared in FF v2#5...

...and he returned in the following issue... issue, in the third story Diggy took a rather dark turn...

He's ready built for a dark & gritty reboot, so expect that Diggy movie any time now.

C.W. Winter also brought us another Funny Not-Animal - Thorny The Cactus, who made a one-shot appearance in Punch & Judy that same year -

pages by Charles W. Winter for Frisky Fables v2 #s 5-7 and Punch & Judy #11 (1946)

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Update - A New Herd

A fair sized update this weeknd, though i'm not sure how many new entries. I suppose i could go down to the next paragraph and count, but i'm feeling much too lazy. Let's just call it three score, or thereabouts.

New listings include:
Archie Pelican, Bango Bear, Baseball Benny, Basil, Batty Bunny, Bitsy Bat, Boopy Ostrich, Bow-Wow Beagle, Buster Bruin, Buttie And Boobie, Cagey Coyote, Cottontail Twins, Daffy Bros., Deadeye Duck, Dip And Drip, Dooless, Dope And Balogna, Ella Fant, Finny Fish, Fritz, Gus Gopher, Hamlette, Hammy, Jasper The Star Salesman, Kid Kangaroo, Killer Gorilla, Lemuel Lamb, Leroy And Buster, Little Cat Little, Little Red Henrietta, Loafers, Lunkhead The Great, Marty The Grease Monkey, Maxie The Taxi Driver, Monk And Honk, Mousy And Butch, Ol' Cracker, Ol' Tabby, Ole Mole, Pat The Potato Bug, Pooky-Pine, Ralph Rooster, Ratz Brothers, Robin Rabbit, Rooster And The Crow, Rube Rooster, Rufus Rabbit, Samplin' Sammy, Scatter Puss, Silas Skinflint, Silly Billy, Simpy Sammy, Snippy, Snookey Squirrel, Snubby Squirrel, Squeaks McCarthy,  Teddy Jr., Tiger Jones, Tollivar Turtle, Unbearable Bear, Wacky Coon, Whacky The Inventor, Windy Willy, and Wooly Willie.
Possibly a few others snuck in, but i think i caught them all. Some entries with data missing got taken care of along the way. All new entries have their information at posting.

And, no - that's not a typo. There really is a strip called Buttie And Boobie. (And it came from a guy named Hammer in a title that starts with Frisky) But, it's not what you might be thinking.

panel art by Ellis Chambers from Hi-Ho Comics #2 (1946)

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Cover Gallery - Hi-Ho Comics

I figured we'd start with something easy.

Hi-Ho Comics only had three issues, but featured the work of three great artists of the Funny Animal era -
Ellis Chambers, L.B. Cole and Carl Wessler.

Published by Four Star Publications in 1946, there is no month listed for the first issue. It most likely was released with the March cover-dated comics, but it could have been a month or two earlier. Pencils are by Ellis Chambers and inks by L.B. Cole -

The indicia for #2 clearly lists April as the cover date, with Ellis Chambers going solo on the art -

As one might surmise from the caricatured Japanese character on the cover above, we will not be censoring any uncomfortable content in these old comics as we go. We're far more likely to use them as a springboard for various discussions. Hiding or cleaning them up is very dangerous practice - we can't learn from what we don't remember.

The third, and final, issue is dated June of '46, and i'm left to wonder if something happened behind the scenes. Ellis Chambers originally sold the idea of the book to the editor at Four Star (using work stolen from Howie Post) and the first two issues are almost entirely done by Chambers, assisted by Post. But Ellis is barely present in issue three, and excepting one issue of Daffy Tunes published over a year later, never worked with Four Star again. While a handful of other artists handle the interior chores, Carl Wessler takes over on the cover -

When i spoke of starting with something easy, i didn't merely mean a series with only 3 issues.
Cover galleries are nice, but what about issue breakdowns? I'm still trying to decide a lot of things, and that's one of them. Would folks want to see posts breaking down the contents of individual comics, perhaps with title panels from each feature? Creator credits, of course - maybe one line summaries?

Another thing i'm trying to decide is how to post stories. For example, there are perhaps a dozen Ellis Chambers stories that have already been posted over on The Voice Of ODD!. When i bring those comics over here, should they be posted in collections? Or perhaps as individual stories? I've mentioned starting Creator Profiles, perhaps they should be set as evolving blog posts like the database, with a link to each new story posted containing their work? That, and having the titles visible in the blog archive would be two of the primary reasons for posting the stories individually, though it might make searching easier, too.

We'll get things figured out as we go. If you've got ideas, suggestions and/or desires - Speak Up!

cover art by Ellis Chambers, L.B. Cole, and Carl Wessler for Hi-Ho Comics #s 1-3 (1946)

Monday, August 13, 2018


The 1940s Funny Animalphabet now has 500 entries listed. Not all have the data assigned as yet, but the majority do and gaps are rapidly being filled. (If the fields are blank, it hasn't been processed, if there's question marks, the information is unknown, Exception - Other Appearances is left blank if none are known)

Some information will be slower to fill in than others. For example, the most recent stumbling block was Tabby. I prepped the image for Tabby's entry when doing the original blog posts for The Voice Of ODD!. At that time, the sources weren't very relevant so i wasn't meticulous in my notes. Going back to fill in the data, i couldn't find any reference to the character or strip in any comics database, despite hours of searching. (Much time can be spent searching for possible typos that could be hiding the information.) Finally, i came to realize that the comic from which it was sourced, Nutty Comics #3, remains un-indexed in the databases. (So, yeah - i'm compiling a complete issue index to submit.) It was only randomly flipping through old issues that finally found the source.
Hopefully, we'll eventually get it all.

And, yes - please do feel free to volunteer information not currently present, or suggest corrections where appropriate.

As noted to the right, this all started as a carried-away blog post after noticing how amazingly many Funny Animal characters were running around in comics back in the '40s. Even with 500 entries, we're nowhere near complete at this stage. We haven't even started to list the Big Names, like the Disney, Warner, and MGM critters, for example. Folks know them anyway, so they need listing the least. We'll get to them eventually.

Now that we've reached the 500 mark, it's time to go ahead and open up the doors, so we'll stop hiding from the search engines and Blogger. To celebrate, here's a lovely little poster of Cosmo Cat i found, signed by both Ellis Holly Chambers and Leonard Brandt Cole, both of whose work you can find throughout the Funny Animalphabet.

Here's a little bonus - I recently added Uncle Wiggily's first cover to his listing, but that image only shows the front of a wrap-around cover. Here's the entire cover to Animal Comics #2 for you to enjoy:

As always, throughout the Funny Animalphabet images are reduced to fit on the page, but full size viewing is only a click away.

The Navigation Menu is always at the top of the column to right, but here's one you may use now to get you started. Jump straight to the introduction or to any letter to view the listings. There's also a simple text list of entries on the Index page, as well as a text listing of applicable entries at the top of each letter's page. Hopefully that'll make browsing easier for you.


Cosmo Cat by Ellis Chambers & L.B. Cole (circa 1950), Funny Animals cover by unknown (1943)

Sunday, August 12, 2018

1940s Funny Animalphabet - Introduction

Welcome to my insane little census of Funny Animal comic characters of the 1940s.

While digging through a bunch of old 1940s comic books, the number of Funny Animal characters running around at the time rather amazed me. As is often the case, that which catches my attention winds up as posting fodder for The Voice Of ODD!. After a few days of gathering and imaging prepping, a one day series of seven posts resulted - a very incomplete, yet still overwhelming, census of Funny Animals.

As noted, however, it was very incomplete - covering only characters in what comics were easily accessible during a 3-day period. While hardly comprehensive, that was still nearly 300 characters. And that was excluding the big stars from Disney, Warner Brothers, etc..,. While that provided a nice snapshot from the era, it didn't really quell my curiosity. So, what the frell? I decided to go obsessive with it.

Rather than a blog post series, we'll make it a stand-alone feature of The Voice Of ODD!. This will allow not only more room for coverage, but also for the work to be ongoing, continually updating and expanding until it might actually be fairly complete and comprehensive.

In the meantime, it stands as testament to the incredible number of Funny Animal characters in that decade, and to the incredible amount of time i'll willing to waste on an odd whim.

Basic Structure:
Entries are organized alphabetically, as one might surmise from the title, in separate posts for each letter. Numbers are sorted as they are spelled - 1 listed under O, 2 & 3 under T, etc.,.
Each entry will feature title art for the character and basic information, currently in this format:

Writer(s) - (listed writers may not be the only or original writers, only those whom i've found credited)
Artists(s) - (listed artists may not be the only or original artists, only those whom i've found credited)
First Appearance - ( (nn) indicates No Number for the issue. U after listing indicates Unconfirmed. While highly likely, i have no outside confirmation)
Other Appearances - ( + indicates continuation into the 1950s )
Notes - (only appears when applicable)

Information should not be considered complete. Other appearances, writers and artists of which i am ignorant may often apply. Please use the blog comments to offer possible corrections and/or expansions. Each of the 28 database pages has an indicator at the bottom of the post showing when it was last updated, so you can tell if things have changed since your last visit. (see below)

Previous Letter                Introduction                Next Letter

1940s Funny Animalphabet - Index

A (hopefully up-to-date) listing of characters covered.

Adam The Chimp
Albert The Alligator
Alkalai Ike
Alec, The Funny Bunny
Algernon and Doody
Andy Wolf And Bertie Mouse
Anthony & Cleopatra
Archie Pelican
Art Fox And Sammy Setter

Baba The Black Sheep
Bagshaw Bear
Baldy And His Brood
Bango Bear
Barnaby Beep
Barney Bear
Barney Rooster
Barry The Bear
Baseball Benny
Battling Bantam
Batty Bunny
Beanie Bear
Beezy And Fleazy
Benny Beaver
Benny The Lonesome Burro
Bernard The Brave
Bernie The Fox
Bertie Bear
Bertie Bruin
Biff And The Duchess
Bill And Koo
Bill And Phil
Billy The Badger
Billy And Buggy Bear
Billy Goat
Billy The Kid
Bitsy Bat
Blabber Mouse
Blackie Bear
Bo Bunny
Boar Brummel
Bobby Bantam
Bobby Bragg
Bobo The Fireman
Bonny Bunny
Bonzo, The Strong Man
Boo Boo And Butch
Boogie Beaver
Boopy Ostrich
Boris Bear and Sonny
Bouncy Bunny
Bow-Wow Beagle
Bozo Bear
Bozo The Bowlegged Bull
Bruno Bear
Bucky The Mule
Buddy Bear
Buddy Beaver
Buddy Bigshot
Buff n' Bobo
Buffalo Bunny
Buggsy Bug
Buggy Boo
Bugsey Bear Family
Bugsy Bear
Bull Bowser
Bulldog Drumhead
Bully Boy
Bum Bill Bee
Bunko The Monk-o
Bunnyhunch and Buzz - The Bunny Boys
Burpo The Bear
Buster Bunny
Buster Bruin
Butch And Buttercup
Buttie And Boobie
Buttons The Rabbit And Officer Hippo
Buzzy Bee
Byron Bunny

Cagey Coyote
Canary And Cat, The
Captain Codfish
Capt. Parrot
Carrottop Cabot, The Rhyming Rabbit
Casper Cat
Cat And The Canary, The
Chappy Chipmunk
Charley Chimp
Charlie The Chef
Chicken Hearted
Chip Chipmunk
Chippo Chipmunk
Chippy Chipmunk
Chirpy And Cheery
Cholly Chipmunk
Chuck And Charlie Chipmunk
Chuck And Bub
Cilly Goose
Clever Clifford
Clicko And Lenso
Coco And Bobo
Colonel Walrus And Snazzy The Snail
Coo Coo
Cosmo Cat
Cottontail Twins, The
Crazy Fox
Crazy Wolf
Crock O'Dile
Cub Reporter, The
Cub Scouters, The
Cubby The Bear
Custer Cat And Cheesey The Mouse
Cuthburt The Calf

Daffy & Dilly
Daffy Bros., The
Daffy Dragon
Dandy Rabbit
Daniel Coon Jr.
Dauber Dog
Davey Dragon
Deadeye Duck
Detective Dan And Botzo
Dectecto The Bloodhound
Dinky Duck And Rudy Rooster
Dip And Drip
Dipsy Doodle
Dizzy Dog
Doc Bernard
Dodger De Squoil
Dodo And The Frog, The
Doggie Dave
Don Bugaboo And Fatcho
Donkey Oaty
Doodles Duck
Dope And Balogna
Dopsy Durvy
Doremus Dormouse
Drip Van Winkle
Drippo The Hippo
Droopy The Antbear And Reddy Fox
Duke And The Dope, The
Dumb Bunny
Dumb Bunny And Officer Hippo
Dumb Donkey
Dunny The Flying Donkey
Dusty And Rusty

Eager Beaver
Earl The Rich Rabbit
Earl The Squirrel
Eddie Elephant
Edgar Elephant
Eeky Mouse And Squeeky Mouse
Eeny, Meeny, And Moe
Egbert And The Count
Ella Fant
Ella Funt

Fatsy McPig
Fenwell Fox
Ferdie The Farmer
Fergy Frog
Filbert Fox
Filbert Fox (II)
Fin 'n' Haddi and Mammy
Finny Fish
"Flash" Rabbit
Flash The Fox
Flip & Dip
Flip and Flopper
Flippity And Flop
Flitty Flicker
Floop And Skilly Boo
Fluffy And Duffy
Foolie Fox
Fowler Fox
Foxy Fagan
Fraidy Cat
Francois Feline
Freddy Fieldmouse
Freddy Fixit
Freddy Frog
Freddy The Firefly
Frenchy Rabbit And Flippit
Frosty And Gabbie
Frowsy And Fuzzy
Funny Bunny
Funny Fez

Gandy And Sergeant Sourpuss
Gee Gee, The Talking Horse
Geek The Goat
Giddy Goose
Gilbert The Gorilla
Gilligan The Pelican
Ginch And E. Claude Pennygrabber, The
Gingham Dog And The Calico Cat, The
Gloomy Goose
Goofy Gander
Goofy Goose
Goopy and Soupie
Gran'pa Scotty And His Terrors
Gus Gopher
Gus The Groundhog

Ham Swift, Inventor
Happy Hal The Hyena
Happy Hare
Happy Hound
Hard Shell Harry
Hasty And Tardy
Hector The Henpecked Rooster
Hector The Inspector
Helpful Hank
Hennery Hound
Henry Horse
Henry Hyena
Hep Chick
Hepcats, The
Hetty Hep-Cat
Hillbilly Goat
Hiram Hound
Hokum And Blokum
Homeless Hector
Homer Horse
Homer Hound
Homer Pigeon
Homer Rabbit
Honey Cub
Hoot Owl
Hoppy, The Marvel Bunny
Horace Hippo
Horatio Hare
Horatio Hound
Hotfoot Harry
Hucky Duck
Hurry Hare And Willie Watchdog

Icicle Ike
"Itty" Biddy
Ivan The Terrible
Izzy And Dizzy

J. Rufus Lion
Jack Rabbit
Jasper The Star Salesman
Jerry Goldfish
Jerry The Chimp
Jim Crow
Jim Crow, Detective
Jocko And Junior
Jocko And Socko
Joe Kangaroo
Johnny Mole
Johnny Sparrow
Judge Hoot Owl
Judge Owl
Judge Pupple
Jumpin' Jack

Kanga Rudy
Kangy Roo
Kenneth Kangaroo
Kenny Kangaroo
Kenny Katt
Kid Gloves
Kid Kangaroo, The
Killer Gorilla
Killer-Diller And Monty
Kitchen Canary
Kitty And Bob, The "Hep" Cats
Korky Kangaroo
Krazy Krow And Boobsy
Kuddly Kubs

Lambie-pie Lion
Lemuel Lamb
Leroy And Buster
Lester Lamb
Lester The Lion
Lil' Bottleneck Swan
Li'l Cheesit
Li'l Thomas Hippopot
Little Billy Bear
Little Black Squirrel, The
Little Bo Pig
Little Cat Little
Little Lionel
Little Oliver
Little Roquefort
Loafers, The
Lockjaw The Alligator
Loonie Lion
Lumberjack Rabbit
Lunkhead The Great

Mad Murphy, The Lion
Major Mutt And Private Pupp
Marco Polar Bear
Marco Poodle
Marmaduke Monk
Marmaduke Mouse And King Louie
Marty Mouse
Marty The Grease Monkie
Matthew Mouse
Maw, Paw And Willie
Maxie The Taxi Driver
McSnurtle The Turtle
Mertie Mouse
Mervin The Magician
Mighty Mouse
Monk And Honk
Montague Pigeon
Montmorency And Matilda Mouse
Monty Monk
Monty Monk (II)
Mortimer Monk
Mopey Moose
Morty Monk And Buck Baboon
Mousy And Butch
Mr. Crow
Mr. Mule And His Musical Men
Muggins Mouse
Muggs Mouse
Myrt The Turtle
Myrtle And Jocko

Neddy Bear
Nero Owl
Nick And Dick
Nickie No-Stripes
Nip And Chip
Nip & Tuck
Nit And Wit
Nobby The Cat
Nutsy McKrow And Bandy Bear
Nutsy Squirrel
Nutty Squirrel

Ol' Cracker
Ol' Doc Rabbit
Ol' Rep
Ol' Tabby/Old Tabby
Ole Mole
Oliver Owl
Ollie And Ozzie Ostrich
Oscar Pig
Oscar The Ostrich
Ossie Ostrich
Ozzie Owl

Pa Pig and Junior
Paddy Penguin
Paddy Pig
Pancho Pelican
Panda Myme
Pansy Pigeon
Pansy The Chimp
Parker Penguin
Pat And Mike
Pat Pigeon
Pat The Potato Bug
Patrick Pup
Patrick, The Upside-Down Pelican
Patty Plump
Paul Opossum
Paxton Penguin
Peanuts The Monkey
Pelican Pete
Percy Pelican
Percy Penguin
Perky Penguin
Pete Parrot
Pete And Tweet
Peter Pigly
Peter Porkchops
Peter Porker
Pete The Peke
Pete The Pooch
Pete The Pup
Peter Pigg
Phineas The Parrot
Philpot Fox
Picklefoot Pig
Piggly Pete
Piggsy Pig
Pigsby Pig
Pinky And Winky
Pinky Penguin
Pinky, The Pink Elephant
Pookey, The Poetical Pup
Posty, The Pelican Postman
Potter Otter
Presto Pete
Private Bobby Beagle
Prof. Screwball And Monty
Professor Bacon
Professor Penguin
Puffy Pig
Pug And Curly
Pug And Plush
Puma Cubb
Punny Bunny
Puss 'N Pooch
Puss An' Boots
Pussy Katnip
Pussy Willow

Quackie, M.D.

Rabbit-son Crusoe
Raccoon Kids, The
Racky Raccoon
Rags Rabbit
Ralph Rooster
Randy The Elephant
Ratz Brothers, The
Ray Coon
Red Kamphor
Red-headed Girelepus
Reddy Dough
Ringo Raccoon
Robin Crusoe
Robin Hood Robin
Robin Rabbit
Roger Rabbit
Rollo Rabbit
Rollo Raccoon And Picklefoot Pig
Roly And Poly
Rookie Rickie
Rooster And The Crow, The
Root And Reet
Roscoe Bear
Roscoe W. Rabbit
Rowdy Runner
Roy The Bold
Rube Rooster
Rufus (dog)
Rufus (rat)
Rufus Rabbit
Rusty And Dusty
Rusty Rabbit
Rusty Rhino
Rusty Rooster

Sad Sam Skunk
Sam And Susie
Samplin' Sammy
Samuel Spaniel
Sammy The Stork
Sappy "Happy" Hyena
Sappy The Sportsman
Scallawag Scottie
Scatter Puss
Senor Tamale
Senorita Juanita McMouse
Sharpy Fox And Pookey
Sheriff Corky
Sheriff Pop Gunn
Sheriff Shivers
Sherlock The Monk And Chuck
Shilly and Shally
Silas Skinflint
Silly Billy
Silly Seal And Ziggy Pig
Silly Skunk
Simple Simon Seal
Simpy Sammy
Sir Spot, The Lion-Hearted Leopard
Skip O'Hare
Skippie, Scrappie, And Skeeter Skunk
Slappy The Squirrel
Slats 'n' Fats
Slick Chick
Sloppy The Pig
Smoky The Snake
Snazzy Rabbit
Sniffy The Pup
Snookey Squirrel
Snooze (The Sleepy Watchdog)
Snowshoe Snooky
Snubby Squirrel
Snuggy, The Bug In The Rug
Sonny Seal
Spike, The Cow-horn buck
Spot And Dot
Spotty, The Missing Lynx
Spunky The Monkey
Squeaks McCarthy
Steeple Jack, The
Storekeeper Stan
Street Cleaner, The
Sum Cluck
Super Cat
Super Duck, The Cockeyed Wonder
Super Rabbit
Sweeney And Willie


Tabasco Turtle
Taxicab Toby
Ted And Tom
Teddy Cubb And Foxxy Devil
Teddy Jr.
Three Mousketeers, The
Three Muskrateers, The
Tick, Tack And Toe
Tiger Jones
Timmy And Tubby
Timothey T. Wolf
Tollivar Turtle
Tommy An' Kitty
Tommy Cat
Tommy Turtle
Torchy, The Little Red Duck
Tortoise And The Hare, The
Toughy Tomcat And Chester Chipmunk
Trelawny Tiger
Trembly Tim
Trixy, The Magic Monkey
Trotter And Prancer
Tubby Bear
Tubby Pig
Tuck Sedo, The Penguin Playboy
Tuffy Bear
Two-Bit, The Wacky Woodpecker

Unbearable Bear
Uncle "Awful" Boar
Uncle Pigly
Uncle Walrus And Willie
Uncle Wiggily


Wacky Coon
Wacky Duck
Wacky Willie
Wacky Wolf
Waddles The Duck
Waldo Wolf And Ferdy Fox
Wallace Bear And Breezy
Wallace Wolf And Papa Bear
Walrus And The Rooster, The
Walrus Whopper
Weepy Woodchuck
Whacky Quack
Whacky The Inventor
Whitey Weasel
Wiggles The Wonderworm
Wilbur And Chuck
Wilbur Fox
Wildcat Willie
Willie The Weasel
Willie The Worm And Sammy The Skunk
Willoughby Wolf
Willy & Wally
Willy Wolf
Windy Willy
Winnie Weasel
Woody The Woodpecker
Wooly Willie
Wordless Waddles
Wowsey And Mousey
Wuff, The Prairie Dog


Yehootys, The
Young Hippo

Zany Giraffe

Previous Letter                Introduction                Next Letter

Saturday, August 11, 2018

1940s Funny Animalphabet - X

Currently Indexed in X:

Writer(s) -
Artist(s) -
First Appearance -
Other Appearances -

Previous Letter                Introduction                Next Letter

1940s Funny Animalphabet - Y

Currently Indexed in Y:
Yehootys, Young Hippo

Yehootys, The
Writer(s) - Hubie Karp, Lynn Karp
Artist(s) - Lynn Karp
First Appearance - Coo Coo Comics #33 (1947) U
Other Appearances - Goofy Comics #22, Coo Coo Comics #35, Barnyard Comics #s 17, 18 & 20

Young Hippo
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - Bill Hudson & Teddie Hudson (inks)
First Appearance - Ha Ha Comics #1 (1943)
Other Appearances - Ha Ha Comics #4

Previous Letter                Introduction                Next Letter

1940s Funny Animalphabet - Z

Currently Indexed in Z:
Zany Giraffe

Zany Giraffe
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - Jim Adams
First Appearance - Frisky Fables #3 (1945/6) U
Other Appearances - Frisky Fables #s 4, 7, 9-11, 14, 16, 17, 20, 22, 24, 34, 37, +

Previous Letter                Introduction                Next Letter

Friday, August 10, 2018

1940s Funny Animalphabet - U

Currently Indexed in U:
Unbearable Bear, Uncle "Awful" Boar, Uncle Pigly, Uncle Walrus And Willie, Uncle Wiggily

Unbearable Bear
Writer(s) - Lynn Karp
Artist(s) - Lynn Karp
First Appearance - Barnyard Comics #9 (1946) U
Other Appearances -

Uncle "Awful" Boar
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - Don R. Christensen
First Appearance - Barnyard Comics #11 (1947)
Other Appearances -

Uncle Pigly
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - ?, Ken Hultgren, Ed Dunn,
First Appearance - Goofy Comics #4 (1944) U
Other Appearances - Goofy Comics #s 5, 7-31, 33, 34,  +

Uncle Walrus and Willie
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - Victor Pazmiño
First Appearance - Laffy Daffy Comics #1 (1945) U
Other Appearances -

Uncle Wiggily
Writer(s) - Gaylord Du Bois (as Howard R. Garis)
Artist(s) - H.R. McBride?
First Appearance - Animal Comics #2 (1943)
Other Appearances - Animal Comics #s 3-30, Boys And Girls March Of Comics #19, Four Color Comics #s 179, 221, +
Notes - Uncle Wiggily's first comic book appearance was a bit easier to determine than most. (see right)

Previous Letter                Introduction                Next Letter

1940s Funny Animalphabet - V

Currently Indexed in V:

Writer(s) -
Artist(s) -
First Appearance -
Other Appearances -

Previous Letter                Introduction                Next Letter

1940s Funny Animalphabet - W

Currently Indexed in W:
Wacky Coon, Wacky Duck, Wacky Willie, Wacky Wolf, Waddles, Waddles The Duck, Waldo Wolf And Ferdy Fox, Wallace Bear And Breezy, Wallace Wolf And Papa Bear, Walrus And The Rooster, Walrus Whopper, Weepy Woodchuck, Whacky Quack, Whacky The Inventor, Whitey, Whitey Weasel, Whoo-Doodit, Wiggles The Wonderworm, Wilbur, "Wilbur", Wilbur And Chuck, Wilbur Fox, Wildcat Willie, Willie TheWeasel, Willie The Worm And Sammy The Skunk, Willy Wolf, Windy Willy,Winnie Weasel, Woody The Woodpecker, Wooly Willie, Wordless Waddles, Wowsey And Mousey, Wuff The Prairie Dog

Wacky Coon
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - Ken Hultgren?
First Appearance - Ha Ha Comics #5 (1944) U
Other Appearances -

Wacky Duck
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - ?
First Appearance - Wacky Duck #3 (1946) U (first issue)
Other Appearances - Wacky Duck #s 4-6,  Krazy Komics #s 24-26, Silly Tunes #7

Wacky Willie
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - ?
First Appearance - Terry-Toons Comics #2 (1942) U
Other Appearances - Terry-Toons Comics #s 8, 32, 34, 36, & 49; Willie Comics #18, +

Wacky Wolf
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - Bob Wickersham
First Appearance - Giggle Comics #42 (1947)
Other Appearances - Giggle Comics #43

Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - ?
First Appearance - Calling All Kids #5 (1946) U
Other Appearances -

Waddles The Duck
Writer(s) -
Artist(s) - Charles W. Winter
First Appearance - Punch And Judy Comics v2#1 (1946) U
Other Appearances -

Waldo Wolf and Ferdy Fox
Writer(s) -
Artist(s) - Al Jaffe,
First Appearance - Comedy Comics #13 (1943)
Other Appearances - Comedy Comics #s 14-26, 30, & 32, Ideal Comics #2, Comics For Kids #2, Comic Capers #s 3, 5 & 6, Animated Movie Tunes #s 1 & 2, Silly Tunes #s 3-6

Wallace Bear And Breezy
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - Otto Feuer
First Appearance - Goofy Comics #1 (1942) U
Other Appearances - Goofy Comics #2

Wallace Wolf And Papa Bear
Writer(s) - Gil Turner?
Artist(s) -  Gil Turner
First Appearance -  Happy Comics #10 (1945) U
Other Appearances -  Coo Coo Comics #16

Walrus And The Rooster, The
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - Stan Green
First Appearance - Funny Stuff #11 (1943) U
Other Appearances - Funny Stuff #s 12-19

Walrus Whopper
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - ?
First Appearance - Animal Antics #1 (1946) U
Other Appearances - Animal Antics #s 2-8, Leading Comics #30

Weepy Woodchuck
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - ?
First Appearance - Giggle Comics #5 (1944) U
Other Appearances -

Whacky Quack
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - Jason Comic Art Studios
First Appearance - Jamboree #1 (1946) U
Other Appearances -

Whacky The Inventor
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - Thurston Harper
First Appearance - Ha Ha Comics #3 (1943) U
Other Appearances -

Writer(s) - Gil Turner?, Hubie Karp
Artist(s) - Gil Turner, Lynn Karp
First Appearance - Goofy Comics #18 (1947) U
Other Appearances - Goofy Comics #23

Whitey Weasel
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - Carl Wessler
First Appearance - Ha Ha Comics #3 (1943)
Other Appearances - Ha Ha Comics #s 4 & 7
Notes - Whitey's first appearance was as a supporting character in Hoppy Hare's strip in Ha Ha Comics #3. His first titled appearance was the following issue.

Writer(s) -
Artist(s) - Bob Wickersham
First Appearance - Funny Films #1 (1949) U
Other Appearances - Funny Films #s 2 +

Wiggles The Wonderworm
Writer(s) - Bill Savage?,
Artist(s) - Bill Savage, Brian Savage?, Carl Wessler?, L.B. Cole (covers only)
First Appearance - Taffy Comics #1 (1945) U
Other Appearances - Taffy Comics #s 2 & 4, Toytown Comics #s 4-7

Writer(s) -
Artist(s) -
First Appearance -
Other Appearances -

Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - Harris Steinbrook?
First Appearance - Barnyard Comics #7 (1945)
Other Appearances -

Wilbur And Chuck
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - John Walworth
First Appearance - Real Funnies #2 (1943) U
Other Appearances - Real Funnies #3

Wilbur Fox
Writer(s) - Hubie Karp, ?
Artist(s) - Lynn Karp, Ken Hultgren, Vince Fago, Ed Dunn, Jack Bradbury, Harris Steinbrook,
First Appearance - Goofy Comics #22 (1947) U
Other Appearances - Goofy Comics #s 23-35, Supermouse #4

Wildcat Willie
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - Victor Pazmiño
First Appearance - Coo Coo Comics #26 (1946)
Other Appearances -

Willie the Weasel
Writer(s) -  Bill Woolfolk
Artist(s) -  ?
First Appearance - Animal Fables #1 (1946) U
Other Appearances

Willie the Worm and Sammy the Skunk
Writer(s) -
Artist(s) -
First Appearance -
Other Appearances -

Willoughby Wolf
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - Ed Dunn
First Appearance - Ha Ha Comics #20 (1945)
Other Appearances -

Willy & Wally
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - ?
First Appearance - Ha Ha Comics #9 (1944)
Other Appearances -

Willy Wolf
Writer(s) -
Artist(s) -
First Appearance -
Other Appearances -

Windy Willy
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - Otto Feuer
First Appearance - Coo Coo Comics #6 (1943) U
Other Appearances - Coo Coo Comics #7

Winnie Weasel
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - Jason Comic Art Studios
First Appearance - Jamboree #3 (1946) U
Other Appearances -

Woody The Woodpecker
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - ?
First Appearance - Zip Comics #36 (1943) U
Other Appearances - Zip Comics #37, Jolly Jingles #s 10 & 12-15
Notes - Obviously, not to be confused with Walter Lantz's the-less Woody Woodpecker.

Wooly Willie
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - Larry Riley
First Appearance - Barnyard Comics #2 (1944) U
Other Appearances -

Wordless Waddles
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - ?
First Appearance - Toytown Comics #4 (1946) U
Other Appearances - Toytown Comics #s 5-7

Wowsey And Mousey
Writer(s) - ?
Artist(s) - ?
First Appearance -  Happy Comics #10 (1945) U
Other Appearances

Wuff the Prairie Dog
Writer(s) -
Artist(s) - Carl Buettner, Vivie Risto,
First Appearance - Our Gang Comics #17 (1945)
Other Appearances - Our Gang Comics #s 18, 20-25, 27-49, 51-65, +
Notes - Wuff's 2nd & 3rd appearances were as text stories, returning to comic format in issue #21.

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